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Who We Serve

Everyone in healthcare stands to benefit from the MoMe ARC®.

It’s an exciting moment for digital healthcare, and we’re all playing an important role. Whether you’re a cardiologist with your own practice, a medical leader shaping your hospital’s virtual telemetry strategy, or a healthcare admin looking for more efficiency, MoMe ARC® is for you.

Benefits Of Mome Arc For Cardiologists Hospital Etc

What is your role in healthcare?

Select your role below and we’ll meet you right where you are.

Icon Cardiologists

Cardiologists and EPs

Understand how you can support a greater range of acuity and agility in your remote cardiac monitoring efforts.

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Icon Cardiology Practice

Cardiology Practices

Learn how your practice can elevate patient care while unlocking new revenue streams through virtual telemetry.

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Icon Emergency Clinicians

Emergency Clinicians

Support high-fidelity hospital-to-home monitoring with one cardiac telemetry platform, made for the virtual care world.

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Icon General Practitioner

General Practitioners

Discover how virtual care is transforming the way you monitor and understand the cardiac risk factors of your patients.

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Icon Health Admins

Health Admins

Learn how the MoMe ARC® unlocks new revenue opportunities and dramatically improves operational efficiency.

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Icon Seamless Integration

IT Leaders

Explore the inner workings of a transformative technology that enables healthcare informatics and improves the health of cardiac patients from anywhere.

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Icon Medical Leaders

Medical Leaders

Elevate your standard of care by extending high-fidelity virtual telemetry to your patients, anywhere virtual care is delivered.

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Icon Neurologists


Learn how you and your cardiologist partners can make a positive impact on the cardiac health of your patients, no matter where they are.

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Icon Patient Empowerment


Discover how virtual telemetry enables convenient, remote cardiac monitoring that is as unique and dynamic as you are.

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Icon Payors


Explore how the MoMe ARC® is supporting value-based models through virtual telemetry that puts quality first.

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Icon Virtual Care Leaders

Virtual Health Leaders

Achieve your goals for virtual healthcare by embracing a high-fidelity virtual telemetry platform built upon a proven track record of innovation and quality.

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