Introducing the MoMe ARC®

Remote cardiac monitoring that enables better outcomes.

Busy providers today require a flexible and scalable approach to cardiac telemetry that provides them with the acuity and adaptability needed to provide first-class care in any setting. The MoMe ARC® is that solution. It’s the first and only continuous 6-lead FDA-cleared virtual cardiac telemetry platform using advanced artificial intelligence (AI) analysis and a native business intelligence capability that can deliver the quality, convenience, and flexibility providers need to achieve better and more efficient diagnostic remote cardiac monitoring.

The MoMe ARC® brings together a tiered hospital-grade monitoring capability powered by advanced AI-enabled analysis to improve arrhythmia detection, empower proactive cardiac interventions, surface actionable clinical insights, and identify critical cardiac indicators outside traditional monitoring’s line of sight.

*MoMe ARC® 1-Lead Patch is not FDA approved and not for sale in the U.S.

Hd Mome Devices
Mome Sensors

MoMe Sensors

MoMe Sensors are a scalable solution that’s configurable for the provider and convenient for the patient with modular tiered biosensor lead sets that can be tailored to nearly any acuity level.

  • Lightweight sensors support patient freedom
  • Optimized diagnostics for ongoing management
  • Untethered option for extended configurability
Mome Solutions

MoMe Solutions

Utilizing AI to break down barriers between providers and patient data, MoMe Solutions identifies aberrations and anomalies, alleviates clinical burden, and enables rapid innovation at scale.

  • Robust suite of analytical tools support in-depth ECG analysis
  • Full HIPAA compliance and end-to-end encryption
  • AI-informed performance metrics with MoMe Analytics™
Mome Gateway

MoMe Gateway®

The MoMe Gateway® captures and transmits ECG data in near real-time from connected sensors, providing continuous connectivity and hospital-grade data from nearly anywhere.

  • One chargeable device to transmit and record data
  • Reliable connectivity
  • AI-assisted data interpretation

Looking for a next-gen, AI-empowered virtual cardiac telemetry solution?

Learn how we can improve outcomes for you
and your patients.