Health Equity and Access
Making better healthcare accessible for everyone, everywhere.
Healthcare access remains one of the biggest barriers to improving health outcomes population-wide. Telehealth has significantly enhanced the convenience of healthcare delivery—but technology limitations continue to keep patients and providers from realizing its full benefit.
Virtual telemetry has the potential to bring high-quality care to areas where it was never before available, such as rural areas with limited healthcare access. However, doing so requires solutions that overcome barriers to data quality and connectivity.
Reliable remote monitoring solutions can help overcome health inequity and enable patients to access healthcare from wherever they are. Through the MoMe ARC® virtual cardiac telemetry platform, providers can extend hospital-grade monitoring to nearly anywhere, maintaining continuous insight even amid breaks in connectivity.
45% of American adults say access to technology is a barrier when it comes to telehealth.1

Are you ready to transform cardiac care convenience and access?
Learn more about what MoMe ARC® can do for you.